Friday 1 August 2008

Summer Dolphin Observation & Surveys - volunteers needed

An appeal from our friends at Matsu's Fish Conservation Union (MFCU) [Wild Bird Society of Yunlin is a MFCU partner]. The MFCU was established in an effort to save the unique and critically endangered population of humpback dolphins living of Taiwan's central-west coast. This unique population totals around seventy individuals and is in real danger of extinction. For more information on the plight of the Taiwan Humpback Dolphins see the Save the Taiwan Humpback Dolphins Blog. The plight of the dolphins is linked to that of a number of threatened bird species. See Critically Endangered - It's Official ! for more information on this.

August marks the beginning of this summer's sea-based humpback dolphin surveys. Within days, MFCU partner, FormosaCetus Research and Conservation Group, will start this season's sea-based surveys. Other members of MFCU will be conducting land-based surveys and observation in support of the sea-based effort. Volunteers are needed to help with conducting land-based surveys and observation on the central-west coast. If you are interested in volunteering (previous experience isn't a prerequisite as training will be given) for land-based surveys and observation please contact us at: ""

PS - Central Taiwan Birder will be assisting and at the same time recording seabird numbers during the surveys.


Critically Endangered - It's Official !

Taiwan Humpback Dolphin Survey Photos

Save the Taiwan Humpback Dolphin Blog

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